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7,937 Views • Jul 24, 2024 • Click to toggle off description
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Views : 7,937
Genre: Pets & Animals
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jul 24, 2024 ^^

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Top Comments of this video!! :3


7 months ago

“Distemper” made me think she was stressed/had behavioral issues. Thank you so much for explaining it so well! All the best to you guys caring for these animals and, of course, Missy❤

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7 months ago

Meet our patient, Missy! She only came here today for a toenail trim, but we learned so much more about her incredible story.

Missy has had quite the life, her current parents adopted her from a rescue, who got her from a sorority house after her main caretaker graduated, and could not take Missy with her.

She had distemper at some point in the past. Distemper is a life threatening virus that infects the lungs, airways nose and eyes, and it can suppress the immune system and infect the brain, which is why she still has these twitches. According to her dad, they used to be MUCH worse and she would hit her head on the ground from how bad she was shaking 🥺😭

Distemper is preventable with vaccines, and are part of the puppy core vaccines, which is why typically your veterinarian will recommend against bringing your puppy to meet other dogs, go to dog parks, or walk outside on public grounds until they are ready.

Once her new parents adopted her, they also noticed that she had an irregular heart beat, so they brought her to a vet who found a heart murmur and enlarged heart, that luckily went away after about a year.

And so she prevails! Luckily, she has found the perfect home for her after such a tumultuous upbringing, and she is probably the most loved pup in the world 🥹 she has 3 other siblings who she has no trouble keeping up with! And don’t tell the others, but she MAY be the favori

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