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Views : 21,884
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Nov 29, 2024 ^^
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Rating : 4.995 (1/870 LTDR)
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User score: 99.83- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2024-12-05T17:40:53.366785Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Life in the UK is expensive (but where is it not so?). It's a well-balanced varied lifestyle amongst a multi cultural society. I think that's what lve enjoyed the most being born and bred here. My son is a well rounded kind hearted soul and we are very much a British Pakistani mix culturally. We vist our home in Pakistan at least once a year although l do try to get away twice and l think we have the best of both worlds...❤
I also love the fact that our fashion sense is very down to earth and casual...nothing beats jeans, jumpers and boots in winter and tops and dresses in summer plus if we're lucky we can get away with wearing our summery lawn suits ❤
What's not to like?
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I don’t understand why people have to put everything that they think in the comments, I mean negative comments Please people just let certain things go. You don’t know how the other person could be struggling in their life? Or how the coop with things on a daily basis? If her stove is not clean it is fine! We all have days when we can’t clean everything ! For God Sake ! Allah se daro
2 weeks ago
O wow that's good
So superb 👌 fabulous good nice sharing
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