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0 Views • Oct 19, 2019 • Click to toggle off description
I took my zombie knee for a forest bath this weekend... And then this happened.
Three bears – mama, a big cub then a little cub, came out in front of me on the fire road but real close to me, and they we're walking like I wasn't even there. Eventually, the little cub must have heard me; got scared; ran up the tree and started crying. This is when mama bear remembered she had a baby with her… She turned around just I was able to get my phone out to record my eminent demise (close-up picture).
I thought there would be a fight. I expected her to charge me… I was ready with my one good knee and my pocketknife. Surprisingly, we just stood there staring at each other for a while... They didn't move until I started walking closer and then they took off.
If you look at the beginning of the video, the other two bears can’t be seen now… Which certainly made things a little more exciting. Since I didn’t know where the bigger bears were now, I got smart; said my goodbyes to the little guy, and I left so mama could come back and collect him.
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Genre: Sports
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Oct 19, 2019 ^^

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