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Views : 10,097
Genre: Science & Technology
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Mar 5, 2025 ^^
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RYD date created : 2025-03-06T16:41:36.354865Z
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21 hours ago
Fun fact:Let me tell you something
In india this is called " sharma ji ka beta"
Which typically means having a neighbour whose son is almost perfect
And the neighbours like us "the common people" are just compared to him/her (her in very rare cases but yea)
Just like julius Caesar was crying abt doing nothing we commoners do the most we can do and reach goals which are above average and the "sharma ji ka beta" also cries after getting a degree from Harvard or an IIT(the best college in india for engineering ) 😅
Edit: Julius Caesar is a chapter in CBSE in India in 10 th grade in english,the name of the book is " literature reader"
It has works of Shakespeare and indian poets and writer
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