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0143ab93_videojs8_1563605_YT_2d24ba15 licensed under gpl3-or-later
Views : 1,689
Genre: Education
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At May 16, 2024 ^^
warning: returnyoutubedislikes may not be accurate, this is just an estiment ehe :3
Rating : 5 (0/51 LTDR)
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User score: 100.00- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2024-05-17T04:59:29.170469Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Trust me whether you buy them at goodwill or the Jewelry display shop (brand New) the lint roller will need to be attached to the back of these bad boys! I love the look of the black velvet but it is impossible to keep them clean. I even have an expensive air purifier in my jewelry room specifically to control the dust and they still get coated!!! A lint roller will probably not even get it all, lol.
10 months ago
I love finding jewelry displays or trays at the thrift store. I always buy them no matter how much overstock of displays I have.