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33,876 Views • Oct 2, 2019 • Click to toggle off description
She doesn’t like to give orbs very much to me and this took me a while to get on camera
Metadata And Engagement

Views : 33,876
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Oct 2, 2019 ^^

warning: returnyoutubedislikes may not be accurate, this is just an estiment ehe :3
Rating : 4.936 (8/490 LTDR)

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User score: 97.58- Overwhelmingly Positive

RYD date created : 2022-01-24T10:44:27.634396Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3


5 years ago

when will u explain the dolls and backstory?

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4 years ago

I came here from Loey Lane's video on your dolls and I just wanted to say thank you for making these videos, I guess? Since I was little my mother has made me have these porcelain dolls that her mother gave her in my room even though she and I both kind of hate them lol. They're not haunted I don't think, but I've been scared of them for a long time just because I don't like how some of them face my bed, feels like I'm being watched in a way lol. But your videos and TikTok have really helped me kind of accept them in a way? Because you live with haunted dolls and in most mainstream media dolls like that are always depicted as evil or mean and I feel like that has fueled my fear of the dolls, but seeing you have such a nice relationship with these spirits and how they really seem to love you and want you to be happy has made me feel a lot better about my own, not-haunted porcelain dolls. Thank you so much for sharing you and the girls with us, and I wish you all the best ^^

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5 years ago

I came from tik tok just like a bunch of others lol but I’ve really really been wanting a travel spirit doll but I can’t find any and I’m a little skeptical about getting one online but I’ve really been wanting one and it might sound a little pathetic but I never really feel safe or worry free when I’m out and about, I’m a really paranoid and anxious person and travel spirit dolls have been something I’ve been really interested in and I was going to duet your tik tok about the travel spirit doll giveaway thing but I didn’t know how to

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5 years ago

wow I really want to know more it’s so cool and interesting

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5 years ago

I love your videos! ❤ I can't wait to see more of you and your girls!

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5 years ago

Love your content

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4 years ago

Where do you get your haunted dolls from? 💓

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5 years ago

Good job sammy :D (btw I'm from tik tok)

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5 years ago

Can you post a video on the dolls moving and controlling things like Abby

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5 years ago

I rlly want to know about the spirits backstory XX ❤️❤️❤️

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5 years ago

Dam i missed something

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4 years ago

when you get a doll, how do you know if the spirit attached is negative or evil? or do you just have to wait and get to know them to find out?

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5 years ago

Heyy I have a question❤️❤️ where did you get your traveler spirit doll❤️❤️ xxx dena

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5 years ago

where do you get one of these angels?

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5 years ago

what does an orb mean? I don't know were to look

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5 years ago

what is a shadow man??

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4 years ago

So what is an orb exactly?

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5 years ago

What are orbs?

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