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Views : 17,285
Genre: Gaming
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Nov 20, 2024 ^^
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User score: 98.32- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2024-12-03T23:49:32.71067Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Nidalee's clear is only hard because of how input heavy she is.
When you clear on say kayn. Its q, w then auto for a bit, then q again.
For nidalee its (im gonna make a list cause itll be easier to read)
1. Pre place trap
2. throw spear
3. Swap to cougar
4. E onto the camp
5. w
6. Q
7. Swap to human form
8. Place trap
9. Throw spear
10. Heal with e
11. pre place trap on next camp
12. Swap to cougar
13. W
14. Q
15. E to next camp
And this is the pattern for EVERY CAMP.
Its like im looking at an optimized opener for raiding in an MMORPG
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August cranking out a solid 20 apm right there, good stuff.
But hes absolutely right, i otp nidalee and ive spent many hours practicing just clearing. 2 smites usually ~3.15 and 1 smite ~3:20-30
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2 months ago
Imagine getting inted by a Rioter, looking at his stream and seeing Aug meowing
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