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Views : 202,996
Genre: Gaming
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Mar 23, 2023 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Honestly not every member deserves any of this, but let's agree that faze put themselves there. There was never a need to bring aboard anyone that didn't play games. The only people who would have appreciated faze for what it was, and what it would become, would have been gamers, or at least they are the kinda people to respect gaming. The moment you brought in people who cared about making money, that's when it started to flip. Shady deals left and right, thieves across every step of the company, whether it be some of their creators rug pulling crypto scams, or simply the higher ups stealing and hiding the value of stocks, of course it was doomed to fail. All of them should have been focusing on the security among the members of faze before they even worried about pushing out higher goals. They should have stayed in New York, and waited for a better opportunity.
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The members of FaZe clan brought in people and those people brought in people and that is the reason why FaZe clan is going down because those people brought other people in I'm probably many other reasons why FaZe clan is going down in shambles but I would never stop loving Faze for what it is and what it stand for
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1 year ago
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