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Uploaded At Sep 26, 2023 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Unpopular opinion but I actually like they went with the direction they did in the game. The previous Nord lore didn't really make them feel like a people, because not everyone in a society can be heroes or even warriors, and unlike the Dunmer the Nords don't keep slaves so it changes the opportunities each individual Nord has. Lots of people are just farmers and other laymen/women doing what they can in a hard land.
Additionally, the imperialization of the Nordic pantheon is very similar (though ofc not as far gone) to the real life christianization of Scandinavia, which the Nords so obviously draw from.
Lastly, the civil war in Skyrim isn't something born of glory or honor, it's born of desperation and people uncertain and scared about the future of Skyrim AND The Empire. I think Talos worship is a clear parallel to previous worship of Shor (Lorkhan), but this time the Nords are refusing to give up Talos because there is no benefit, the empire is weak rather than strong, the Thalmor are the enemy rather than the defeated foe.
Anyway, I think it's easy to take for granted the version of Skyrim we have and say "Oh this would've been so much cooler!", but would it have been? Would we have connected to the world as much? I think the yearning for the old ways is a function that serves the roleplay aspect of the game very well.
My main gripe is just that the Dragonborn can't become high king of Skyrim, because I think there is a case to be made for an independent Skyrim and it is bullshit that the Nords faith have to suffer for the Empire's war. I just can't in good conscience ever side with the Stormcloaks because the game sorta predicted the future and they remind me so much of the current ethnonationalist (read: Neo-Nazi) movements globally, but especially in the United States.
(And I gotta say, as an American, the Nords of Skyrim and their values feel very familiar to my homeland even if that comparison isn't clear on the surface. Just stop and think about it for a moment.)
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1 year ago
They really nerfed the Nord lore in Skyrim
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