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Views : 104,368
Genre: Gaming
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At May 9, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
To start a conversation is very easy:
1- you have smh you wanna talk abt (if you know a bit about the person if not, it's not a problem you can just ask them what they like :what kind of music, what videogames etc... )
2- say "hello" + the thing that you wanna talk about (ex : have you heard about the new...)
3- don't die :D
4- gl :)))))
5- get better at it with time : once you get used to it, it's way easier but the first times are very hard but they are the hardest ones
6- once you know somebody it goes very well
Smol tip1 : lonely peoples are probably in the same troubles as you. In that case, just saying hello will makes them happy, you can talk abt things you like and hear abt things they like
Smol tip 2 : if you don't know what to talk abt next, people like to talk abt things they like and will be very happy to have somebody to listen to what they say...
I hope it was useful 👍
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Tbh i think the best time to start is when only one of them are there and you both are akwardly standing there and one of you start with hi (it might feel VERYakward but trust the proccess)and then the other guy will not resist to say hi then u tell them like a couple of questions like whats ur hobbies or what games you play until you guys do the play/do the same thing (Sidenote:if you dont know that something that they said from there answer of your question try asking what that something is ro start.)when you guys find one thing thats common try to start talking about intersting thing about that thing.when there freinds come back and he will prob go with them but youll be avle to talk to him at anytime(tbh i think if you ask to many question and dont get one common before his friends come i dont think he will talk ever again and he will prob talk bad about you behind your back but sont worry about that
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8 months ago
Damn… that’s a CLOSE Friendship
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