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Views : 2,128
Genre: Entertainment
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Dec 18, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
If you want to "homestead" because you think it's fun then go for it. However, if society actually collapsed, your little independent hobby farm would be over-run by the first gang that happened to come out of the city looking for food. The best way to survive an emergency is to to make sure you live in a community of people who know that they can depend on you and you on them.
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Are you prepared for dental infections and removing teeth? What if your eye glasses break or get lost? How about Lyme Disease from ticks? How's that diabetes or high blood pressure gonna get treatment? Unexpected pregnancy and childbirth in the wild? Tampons? Yeast infections? Birth control? Toilet paper? Whatcha gonna do when you have a flea infestation in your house from your dogs? Can you do CPR and stitch up a wound? Broken arms or legs experience? Dealing with rock bottom depression from a fam member or friend who wants to hurt themselves? House fire? Tornado sweeping away all your stuff? Floods? Blizzards? Gun accidents? Rabies?Toxic chemicals or radiation in the water and air?
Even without marauding thieves trying to take your stuff, I doubt the survival rate will be any better than for folks a few hundred years ago. I think these prep groups are playing a fantasy game in their heads, the "me against the world" genre, where they imagine themselves the hero who overcome one challenge after another in a world that's turned hostile. Nice for a game or book, but go live your best lives now instead of constantly worrying about end times. Try to influence change to avert WW3.
1 month ago
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