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Views : 49,437
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jan 17, 2025 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
i was in this one main only run and a boxten tried to join, everyone else said "NO" but vee said "ok", so one of the mains said to vee "why are you saying ok if its a main only run", and the boxten said "because hes a smart man, a very smart man, a very very smart man" then they turned into sprout 🤦
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Pro tip!: if you don’t know if a starter is fake or not say “As long as you don’t die on floor 1-5 you can join” after this they should say smth on the lines of “Oh well you just gained a bobette!!!” Or “wait what?” Changes into main this is also the most effective way to get twisted mains bc the more mains/less regulars there are, the more the chances multiply by 0.50% aka 15% more. I might make a vid/short detailing this but idk rn
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I was playing as Looey, and in the public lobby I was in at that time, a Pebble was hosting a pro run. I lined up beside the players that were participating in the run, and the Pebble approached me and said to me, “get out, no Looeys allowed.” I asked why I wasn’t able to join their run, and they replied by saying “We don’t need another distractor in our run.” I told them that I had no interest in distracting and that I’m an extractor Looey who had extraction trinkets equipped. Then, they told me to leave again, and I asked why again, and this time, they refused to answer, just kept glaring at me, expecting me to leave, but I refused to. I showed them that I had all vintage main toons, then I changed back to Looey, and I said, “see? I’m a pro, can you let me join now?” Then, they repeated themselves: “leave, Looey.” I told them I wasn’t going to leave, and the thing is, they even allowed Rudies to join, when they literally have the same stats as the starter toons. One of the Rudies also told me to leave and that I deserved to be bullied. I refused to leave once again, and when the Pebble decided to bring their team to the elevator, I followed them. When I kept joining, they kept leaving the elevator at the last second, trying to trick me into playing alone, but I didn’t fall for that. Eventually, the Pebble left, probably out of frustration, but I had no idea why they werent letting me in when I showed them I was a pro. Who do you think was in the wrong though?
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Actually not all fake starters is Annoying. So i was make a Run then a poppy say:can i join? And i say:yeah. Then nobody join cuz poppy and poppy say:srry i dont make the run interesting" so we duo then poppy played with me and we survive until floor 14 then the poppy died and say "Actually in pro, im testing ppl, i have all toons.. wanna friend?" And i accept it now we always pkay together :) [My hand broke until 29487427 pieces]
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4 weeks ago
I remember when I was poppy I got kicked out of my run and toodles walked up to me and said, "hey you can run with me! : D" that really hit diffrent
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