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The Botched Execution of Joseph Rudolph Wood | Lethal Injection Gone Wrong
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558 Views • Apr 15, 2023 • Click to toggle off description
#shorts #crime #death

From the longer-form video/former podcast:

"Lethal injection is considered to be probably the most humane of all execution methods carried out by executioners." The cocktail administered to inmates consists of three separate drugs: "one which anesthetizes the patient, a second which paralyzes them, and a third which stops their heart".

On average, death should occur in under 7-10 minutes, and the patient should, ideally, feel nothing.

Sometimes, however, things don't go as planned. One prime example is in the case of convicted killer (and death row inmate) Joseph Rudolph Wood, whose death took approximately two hours. For at least 90 minutes, witnesses watched in sheer horror as the patient gasped and gurgled the entire duration. This even after Wood was injected 15 times, with 15 times the amount required for his execution.

There remains no clear explanation as for why this took place. In the end, an Arizona committee that headed the investigation into the matter, determined that Wood's was not a "botched execution" and that the inmate in fact died painlessly and peacefully.

This statement remains questionable. After learning more of the facts, what do you think?

This is one story out of a long-form video I made a while back that details the stories of what are commonly accepted as six different botched executions. Please like and subscribe--and also make sure to check out youtube.com/@trueandtwisted for a look at the full video, and more!

Thanks. As always, your support is much appreciated.
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Views : 558
Genre: News & Politics
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Apr 15, 2023 ^^

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That's Terrific ❤

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