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Views : 6,730
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Aug 9, 2024 ^^
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RYD date created : 2024-08-12T15:06:04.261731Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
I was doing the exact same thing as you man a bro split trying to hit every muscle at every angle and not recovering properly. Stick to upper lower or push pull legs even full body. But not a 4-5 day split. More is not better. Since I did that prioritizing compound movements I grew way more. High intensity is also the only way guys but ive never struggled with that one.
Yo gang, sets per week is one of the most confusing things. I hear a lot of different things. I currently do 8 sets a week for my bigger muscle groups like back, chest, quads. And 6 for my smaller groups like biceps, triceps, side delts, calfs, rear delts. If I’m going to failure is this enough or should i consider raising my sets? Ive been training somewhat consistently for 2 years and i still cant find a straight answer.
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4 months ago
Facts. I do a bro split with few rest days Chest Legs Sharms Back rest when needed but i keep sets low with high intensity.
Chest could literally be 2 or 3 movements with 2 or 3 sets max knowing ill hit it again in a couple days
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