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Views : 36,368,855
Genre: Science & Technology
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jul 18, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
The equation for gravity is -(g/2)x^2+ vx+h, with g being the gravitational acceleration of whatever body you’re on, v being the initial vertical velocity, and h being the initial height. The gravity of earth is approximately 32 feet per second squared, and the rock took 2.65 seconds to reach ground, and had no initial velocity, meaning the equation is
-16(2.65)^2+h=0, and solve for h
So -16(2.65)^2=-h
The negatives cancel out so
So time squared * 16 to find initial height
51 |
The formula is s=ut+1/2at^2.
Since he was holding it still and dropped it with not additional force, u is 0 m/s so the formula becomes s=1/2at^2.
t^2 is the time in seconds multiplied by itself. 1/2at^2 is half of the acceleration due to gravity on earth (32 f/s = 16 or 9.8 m/s = about 5).
If you multiply those values together you get s which stands for displacement - in this case the height which the rock fell.
The mass of the object is irrelevant for this formula although technically it doesn’t account for air resistance, but that is negligible.
1.4K |
5 months ago
Multiply by 5 for metric!!
14K |