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Views : 323,893
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Nov 23, 2024 ^^
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RYD date created : 2025-01-12T19:19:12.51987Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Okay, so I just had to look up the flossing issue. Both the Cleveland Clinic and the American Association of Orthodontists appear to agree that flossing before brushing provides slightly more benefit than the other way around. Apparently flossing first removes more of the film between teeth so that the fluoride in the toothpaste can reach more places and thus be more effective.
1.6K |
My girlfriend thought it was weird how I 1. Had multiple sets of bed sheets and covers all different colors and textures. 2. Change my sheets and cover every 2 weeks. She also thought it was weird with how often I bath, I'm a largean 6'4 425 I need to be more hygienic than most people, I may not look as if I'm 400 plus pounds ( thank years of powerlifting and strong man) but since I am I refuse to be smelly.
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Same about the cat shit in the sand. When I was a kid, I'd always find these weird little nuggets digging in the sandbox. Never really figured out what they were until years later when I watched the family cat use it as a glorified literbox. 2 and 2 came together and my stomach dropped. My kids have a sandbox and you better believe it stays covered when not in use.
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2 months ago
Ok tbh the first one is way more hygienic than most people who pick their nose
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