TIP TUESDAY - “How to use the LinQ Fuel Caddy”
It seems easy but sometimes it doesn’t hurt to find easier ways. I’ve seen a lot of people have some sort of difficulty or just look awkward trying to use a LinQ fuel caddy. Some even say they have hated using it bc it spills everywhere and is uncomfortable to use. I show them this tip and now they love it. Sometimes it’s not the product it’s the user. I had to figure this out myself also bc I was once where the people I’m teaching are at. NOW, no more accidental spills and can do it one handed now. SUPER EASY!
I hope this helps you out and stay tune for more tips!
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4 weeks ago
I use a battery operated fuel transfer pump. You never have to unhook your gas cans. I have ridden from Indiana to Florida twice.I have a picture of the pump if you would like to see it.
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