And you’re not the only one
❌My client Becca had been trying to get pregnant with no period about a year and half
After countless tests, doctors, appointments, and a referral to a fertility clinic Becca was told the only way she could get pregnant was to do IVF.
She had already done 3 failed rounds of IUI and decided to take a step back at the news.
🎥 Backstory: Becca struggled with period loss for a while due to disordered eating and exercise addiction. She got help for an ED in the past but admitted a lot of the thoughts and behaviors stuck with her even years later.
After being misdiagnosed with PCOS, Becca did everything she could to eat well, exercise, and keep her weight in check. Unfortunately, these “healthy habits’ ‘ actually fueled her ED voice and she really struggled with allowing her body enough carbs and adequate rest…hence her fertility issues!
⏩️ Fast forward to late 2023, Becca found my page on Instagram and had a light bulb moment: everything she was doing to support her fertility with diet, exercise, actually backfired for supporting her fertility as it tanked out her already low hormone levels..which was why fertility treatment wasn’t working!
Turns out, Becca didn’t ahve PCOS after all. Her period was missing because of Hypothalamic Amenorrhea (HA) 🤯
Becca joined the Food Freedom Fertility®️Society and within just 3 weeks of addressing her food rules, slowing way down on exercise, and giving herself unconditional permission to eat, Becca welcomed first real period in years 🙌🏼🩸
Not long after that, Becca got pregnant- completely naturally 🤰🏼
Turns out IVF wasn’t the only way she could get pregnant- and it probably isn’t the only way you for you either.
Want support like Becca?
✅ Follow me on Instagram (@food.freedom.fertility) and drop me a message to receive information on how to join my coaching program. 🙌🏼
#fertilityjourney #fertilitydietitian #ttcdiet #periodrecovery
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