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Error 404 Sans Vs Saitama
 60 FPS video
6,441 Views • Feb 4, 2024 • Click to toggle off description
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Views : 6,441
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Feb 4, 2024 ^^

warning: returnyoutubedislikes may not be accurate, this is just an estiment ehe :3
Rating : 4.98 (1/202 LTDR)

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User score: 99.27- Masterpiece Video

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Top Comments of this video!! :3


1 year ago

Wake up to reality 😭

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1 year ago

Here is a list of how the fight would go:
Sees each other
Ignores each other

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1 year ago

Rip saitama ig, i was mistaken here so sorry, I am in undertale fandom since 2019 i think. And i am not saying anything else. Have a great day to everyone who read this.

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1 year ago

Those people don't know what Error404 is capable of.

404 is able to alter his strength as much as he wants, no limit, same goes for his speed, durability, endurance, etc. He doesn't have a limit.

He is immortal, he cannot be killed or harmed, as he can heal instantly, he can even make it so that attacks pass right through him.

He can manipulate universes, timelines, codes, and laws of time and space and characters, including deleting them.

He's created a being close to omnipotence, one that could be on par with his abilities if he wished to.

I understand why you'd think Saitama would win, but he stands no chance against something he can't harm. 404 is a glitch that cannot be physically destroyed.

Do not misunderstand. I am both an UT and OPM fan, and I know both of their power levels. Saitama is an extremely powerful human that can par with gods. However, 404 is an omnipotent glitch that can manipulate reality on a humongous scale.

Saitama can't defeat something that can delete him in the blink of an eye.

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1 year ago

Error404 feats here 👇
Error!404 was able to destroy Hyperverses in Just!404.
Survived a reality being destroyed.
In Just!404B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y, he was able to overpower Omnithorn!Sans at 60%+ power, who was able to destroy Error!404 Sans in his B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y Transformation.
Error!404 Sans traveled to the center of the Undertale multiverse in three minutes in base, showing a feat of Massively FTL+ speeds.
Perfect!404B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y! was able to shake the entire Twisted Land, stated to be much bigger than the Eden Tree that said to be an entire fiction itself (A single Eden Orb holds the value and power of an entire Omniverse). He also stated his presence could reach all the way to Edra herself

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1 year ago

I love how everyone gives me attention by responding to my comments thinking i care about a lil skeleton boy like i have 10+ notifs 😭🙏

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1 year ago

Me just vibing the song(I havent heard it in forever)

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1 year ago

Day 34 of waiting for the capcut pack
W edit tho you're probably the best capcut editor i've ever seen

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5 months ago

I agree that Error404 Sans SOLOS Saitama

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1 week ago

Error 404 made jing multiverse and the name alone tells us king multiverse is definitely beyond universal



8 months ago

omni directional punch🗿death counter🗿serious punch 🗿killer mode🗿serious table f

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1 year ago

Bro that skeleton is bout to turn into the bone in Minecraft💀

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1 year ago

Guys ik how strong af saitama is especially in manga, but can any of yall please read alphatale, I get that Error 404 is fanmade and cringest sans ever but bro look at his feats atleast, I only did this debate because of boredom lmao 💀💀



1 year ago

My imaginary parkour ninja by the side of the road > 2 baldies

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1 year ago

It's confirmed 404 has a strength limit that being lifting a universe with one hand, Saitama can bench press black holes and has no limit, he can easily gather more speed in the fight and over power him



1 year ago

Bro is meat riding sans rn 😭💀🙏Ong u trippin lil bro he's called one punch man for a reason

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1 month ago

Even sonic can clap saitama💀

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1 week ago

Overkill, anime Rimuru is enough


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