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Genre: Entertainment
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Aug 15, 2023 ^^
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RYD date created : 2023-08-15T23:46:42.684754Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
I always felt like Jake was the one out of all those wrestlers I could connect best with. I don't know exactly why, he just seems so real. He had demons yeah but me too. Nobody's perfect. Warrior was just a prick back in the days. I don't think Jake's a prick he seems cool. Hey he even gave advise to the Undertaker how to make his gimmick work. Taker said that in his podcast.
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The Warrior was the biggest joke to all the boys you know after about 5 mins. in the ring he was so blown up that he would call for the end of the match would never selm for anybody disrespectful to everybody and he's got the nerve to talk about somebody else he has never had anything good to say about anybody a legend in his own mind I mean common he changed his name to Warrior who does that.
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When I grew up
Ultimate Warrior was my first
Ultimate hero
But as I got older I realised how hard of person Jim was
From stories from the undertaker
To hulk hogan
Jim was clearly an intelligent person
But I think at the same time he wasn't really forward thinking
The irony is that Jake was a loser in Jim's eyes
But Jim died from years of roid abuse
And jake got to live his days as an old man
Something that Should be revered in terms of WWE/Fs stars
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6 months ago
Never heard anyone say a bad word about Jake despite his demons. Warrior on the other hand...
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