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Top Comments of this video!! :3
The real story is very different of course. Current story is more like masala stories of KaliYuga designed for entertainment and judgement- typical of all tales have been distorted by KaliYuga to defame Gods.
As per revelations of Lord Hanuman documented in logbook of Mathang tribes, Devi Renuka , under the active guidance of her Rishi husband, evolved spiritually into Goddess. She did intense sadhana and practices over years, overcoming all temptations and weaknesses to evolve spiritually from a human to God.
Due to her spiritual evolution and purity Lord Vishnu descended to earth in form of Lord Parshuram in form of her son. When she finally attained Godhood, she wished to be worshipped as Devi Renuka by semi-evolved humans(spiritually) and as Devi Yellama by unevolved humans who are more at their body mind level ignorance. This is the reason Lord Parshuram “cut off” her head so that a new head of Devi Yellama could manifest. Of course cutting off is a symbolic term here.
But of course in KaliYuga the story has been distorted into a low level spicy entertainment story, more to sync with the low level of humans present in this era.
There are still temples of Devi Renuka/Devi Yellama in south India. Pray to her and she will lift your soul spiritually, irrespective of how unevolved it is currently.
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10 months ago
Source: SrimadBhagwatam, Canto 9
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