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359 Views • Feb 16, 2023 • Click to toggle off description
Powerful Shaktipat, Light Body Activation, Third Eye Activation, Instant Experience of Yoga, Deep Meditation, Meditative Absorption - Samadhi, Spiritual Awakening & Expansion of Consciousness. #spiritualhealing #selfempowerment #shaktipat
Experience Life-Changing Spiritual Transmission, Spiritual Transformation, Rare Siddha Teachings & Enlightening Discourses About the Living Path* of Immortal #Yoga, Original #Siddha Alchemy, #Mysticism & Natural #Spirituality.
✨ To Book One-on-One Sessions or Join Shaktipat Stream with Jivanmukti, go to siddhakundaliniyoga.com/



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Jivanmukti is a vessel of Yoga & Siddha Consciousness who emanates & shares rare in this day & age Knowledge of the Original Yoga, Siddha Kundalini Yoga, Spiritual Awakening, Self-Refinement, KayaKalpa (Rejuvenation), Bio-Spiritual Transformation, Siddha Tantra & other spiritual sciences.

Jivanmukti's presence & transmissions offer direct experience of Shaktipat, Yoga, Meditative Absorption & Light Body Activation, a profound Understanding & Knowledge of Creation, Evolutionary Cycles of Time, Frequency & Subtle Dimensions, Spiritual Psychology & History of Humanity, Life, Death, Self-Realisation & Human Evolution.

#siddhaguru #shaktipatguru #kundaliniawakening #spiritualawakening #meditation #samadhi #lightbodyactivation #thirdeyeawakening
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Views : 359
Genre: People & Blogs
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Uploaded At Feb 16, 2023 ^^

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Top Comments of this video!! :3


10 months ago

Thanks 🙏🏻❤️🙇🏻

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2 years ago

I love these shorts. It's very useful for most of us. Please give YouTube ads for at least a few of your videos, so that they reach more and more people and they get benefitted from it. Thanks 🙏

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2 years ago

Yes, well please tell what to do to break the curse?? 🙏

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10 months ago

What's your opinion on the sidereal (Vedic) vs the tropical (Western) systems of astrology? Some astrologers I knew personally said that both hold true to certain degree but in different situations. One person who was a very experienced astrologer used to say that the Vedic/sidereal system of Zodiac represents the actual life plan one was born with, whereas the Western/Tropical system represents how that plan actually pans out on earth when one comes into contact with the energies of the present day and age. They said that as a person becomes more and more enlightened/spiritually mature their life starts to reflect more of their sidereal/Vedic chart, or perhaps it was the other way round (this conversation took place a long time ago). Based on this and on my own observations, what I postulated was that since this difference in both kinds of charts is caused by the 25,000-27,000 year cycle of precession of Equinoxes, which is also responsible for the cycle of yugas to a great degree, hence the difference in both kinds of charts is a reflection of the misalignment caused in the present day and age. Originally there was a point when both systems were aligned, and after the completion of the cycle they will become aligned once again, where one's tropical chart will be exactly the same as one's sidereal chart. Now if we take this point to be the midpoint of Satyuga when humans were almost perfectly aligned to the source and were manifesting/living their true soul destiny/purpose, and recalculate the sidereal and tropical systems in accordance to it, we will get a much more accurate prediction and understanding of one's life situations. I can already see this in people's lives to some degree when I analyse their mahadashas.What's your opinion on this Jivanmukti ji, and wish also on the phenomena of sun and moon lagnas vs the usual lagna system? Thank you very much. 🙏🏻❤️🙇🏻

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