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Views : 824,278
Genre: Gaming
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Aug 17, 2024 ^^
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RYD date created : 2024-12-01T16:22:32.792692Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Lore wise, Sea Dragon's would swim up to the surface through a place called "hell-hole" that is now covered by Aurora and would drag Reaper's down into the Lava Zone.
But in-game, if you were to spawn a Sea Dragon and a Reaper together, they will start attacking each other and Reaper would win almost every single time.
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2 months ago
Lore explanation: Sea Dragons would swim towards the surface to hunt for Reapers, when a Reaper is found they kidnap it and drag it down to the Lava Zone where the Reaper is killed due to the heat and then the Sea Dragons eat it with their young. The Reaper skeletons are also a nod to when in older versions of Subnautica Sea Dragons weren't in the game so instead Reapers were in the Lava Zone. Also the Sea Dragon skull in the Lost River is there because in the Disease Research Facility you can find a Sea Dragon Egg which was taken by the Precursers to study, but the Sea Dragon followed them and proceeded to bash the facility with its head in an attempt to get its egg back, then died due to too many concusions. That's also the reason why the Disease Research Facility is knocked on the bottom unlike other facilities
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