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168 Views • Jul 19, 2022 • Click to toggle off description
For those with Inflammatory bowel disease or leaky gut, fiber and other foods that can irritate the gut can make things worse!

First focus on reducing inflammation, them provide the building blocks, and THEN and prebiotic fiber to rebalance and grow your microbiome. Diversity is important!!

Book a session with Nicole: calendly.com/healthywithnicole/private-consultatio…

Read my story: How I Healed My Ulcerative Colitis: www.amazon.com/How-Healed-My-Ulcerative-Colitis/dp…

Metadata And Engagement

Views : 168
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jul 19, 2022 ^^

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Rating : 5 (0/3 LTDR)

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User score: 100.00- Masterpiece Video

RYD date created : 2022-07-19T20:40:16.397595Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3


2 years ago

Thank you for your videos , I'm in my first flare up of Ulcerative Colitis. I spent 12 nights in the hospital and I only got worse there. I'm home and before they continue me on a long term plan , I'm doing the cabbage juicing and celery but my question would be how long do I have to do this and my other question is durn this flare up it went from my colon to my pancreas, would juicing heal the pancreas as well ? Maybe a dumb quesiton but I'm learning as much as I can now and doing my research. Thank you in advance I hope to hear from you. I'm 20 days into my 1st flare up. Only diagnosed in March with Colitis, Turned into U.C just a few weeks back and spread.

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1 year ago

Is there glycine in store bought (carton) Chicken broth and Chicken bone broth?


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