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Views : 974
Genre: Gaming
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Nov 13, 2022 ^^
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RYD date created : 2022-11-14T08:17:15.991868Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
It's 3 am so it's time for a history lesson
The Roman Empire was divided in to 2 pieces for quite a bit of the ruling and it had the same government on both sides,
2 consoles and a few hundred government officials.
They did this because they thought that the senate would bring up problems, make a compromise then the 2 consoles would vote if it should be a Law or not.
This was shown to be kinda effective so if one wanted to do something but the other said no then the law wouldn't pass.
They were also on and off with being a whole, so after the 5 great emperors then all hell broke loss and the pax Romana ended in city being burned down and a invasion of the mongles.
So the lesson is bigger isn't always better when it comes to a empire
Fun fact-
One of the many reasons the empire fell was because word didn't spread fast enough so they couldn't react to envisions well
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2 years ago
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