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Is Shaolin Kung Fu Good for Fighting
 60 FPS video
249,709 Views • Apr 26, 2023 • Click to toggle off description
full video here:    • Real Shaolin Disciple Reacts to Fake ...  

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Views : 249,709
Genre: Gaming
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Apr 26, 2023 ^^

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Top Comments of this video!! :3


1 year ago

That slap took away at least three aikido belts of the guy

1.4K |


1 year ago

“We don’t spar because the techniques are too deadly” is the martial arts equivalent of, “Yeah I have a girlfriend but she’s in Canada”

926 |


1 year ago

That guy got slapped hard 😂

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1 year ago

That slap exorcised the Steven Segal out of him 🤣

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1 year ago

I practice wing chun, I’ve never been in a fight and yet I use wing chun fifty times a day. Martial arts teach you so much more than “how to fight”

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1 year ago

Amen, I'm an amateur MMA fighter and lifelong martial arts enthusiast. But nothing brings me more peace, joy, and FUN. Than practicing Kung Fu Wushu in my own backyard

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1 year ago

dude got slapped so hard he started speakin sign language

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1 year ago

I love your down to earth approach to martial arts. This is the stuff I subbed for.

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1 year ago

Most if not all martial arts has this kata form dance type, the purpose its not to use it fights. But to make you become discipline and understand more about your body, speed, reflex, etc. Also too embrace a routines journey

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1 year ago

When I studied Aikido 30yrs ago, my sensei was straightforward to say that the study was of Budo and esoteric Shinto specifically Omoto Kyo ideas. We studied combat and self defence separately in JJ and Judo (traditional).
Since after WW2, Ueshiba was so devastated by the destruction (he was part of Omoto group looking to set up what we would term a 'hippy' commune in Hokkaido and Manchuria during the 20s and 30s), he started to drop all the more practical techniques and practices (even more) so that the art became more focused on the ideas of principle. Pre-war students started to set up break-aways at this point. It was not the art Kano saw that had him sending top kodokan students like Tomiki to study, anymore. (One of the Judo Katas was heavily influenced by Aikido...)
This one story about how his school got tense. They received a challenge from a young officer with a bokken for a 'demo'. Ueshiba's senior went to the mat. As the man went on his stance with the bokken, the aikidoka lunged and struck the man down and took the bokken. Ueshiba was infuriated at his student for being too violent and not allowing the bokken to be swung at him.
In advance concepts shin shin no shin, the attack begins when the intention is formed. Once the man started to take a combat stance, his attack had begun, defence begins at this point Other concept, go no shin, the attack begins when the strike is made. Differentiating the state of being under 'threat' and 'attack'. Ueshiba wanted the student to go with the latter principle, to make Aikido more passive and reactive and therefore less violent. A lot of students did not find this realistic then against someone trained let alone armed.... This esoteric spiritual slide went full out of practical practice, even in stratagem, in groups like Ki society and Iwama.

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1 year ago

I once attended a Tai Chi lesson, then someone asked if the teacher if he can fight. He's like, that's not the point of this🤦‍♂️

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1 year ago

Guy gets slapped, and throws up the timeout gesture 🤣

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1 year ago

That aikido guy got hit so hard he did a total system reset in 0.5 seconds

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1 year ago

As a martial artist who has studied various martial art styles but originated from Taekwondo (TKD family much love ☺️😘) I feel that you as an individual should find the martial art style that best suits you and improves not only your physical but mental state because everyone is different and that’s perfectly fine. I just wish more people would see that the martial art world isn’t just about fighting just to fight or what technique I can use to beat someone up. And news flash. Boxing isn’t the only existing style in the martial art world. I just made someone mad somewhere with that because if another person comes up to me talking all boxer talk I’m going to change topic because it’s always the same type of people/phrases they use when it comes to boxing. Another thing in my opinion boxing is useless at times especially considering how easy it is to keep a boxer out of their sweet spot when it comes to striking. I recommend Kickboxing if you are going to go into that type of realistic martial art style. On that note though I wish all who read this the best in life and Buddha gives you the wisdom and happiness you seek. Namu Amida Bustu

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1 year ago

Well Shaolin Kung Fu came out not because someone wanted to pretend to be some sort of McDojo. It came out of necessity that traveling monks would learn how to protect themselves and survive if they could not against all kinds of hazards on the road from bandits to wild animals. This is why Japanese monks also surprise me, since they do not get a lot of highlight since they was no peaches and cream lovers, but very much literal warrior monks.

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1 year ago

Everyone thinks they can fight until they get hit. Thats when the real fight begins.

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1 year ago

A visual fighting style can also be effective intimidation.

The best way to win a fight is not to ever have to land a blow.

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1 year ago

My father always said " I don't know how to fight.... I know how to hurt people very badly"

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1 year ago

I've been doing Aikido since 2016, and I like it. I take it as a sport more than a combat training, just to keep fit. A lot of Aikido techniques helped improve my flexibility and body coordination, and the intense ukemi training did help me avoid a potential injury from falling once. It's a beautiful, beneficial martial art to me, and I'd never image I want to get into a fight just because I'm doing Aikido training.

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1 year ago

Best advice I heard was to have a good base like MMA, Judo, etc then do Aikido, Kung fu

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