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Views : 25,147
Genre: Film & Animation
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Oct 14, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
If you watch the lightsaber fight yoda was winning so palpatine moves to high ground and starts bombarding him with those seat things. This was to keep him away cause yoda was too powerful up close. And yoda only caught 1 cause it’s like catching a 20lb ball thrown at you, then throwing it back, much easier to just pick them up and chuck them (like palpatine did). When the explosion happened yoda fell all the way to the bottom, lost his lightsaber, injured, exhausted. No way he could’ve jumped all the way back up again with palp throwing stuff, as well as reinforcements on the way. So yes he lost in the end but that’s because palp quite literally had the high ground, yoda was more powerful tho
This isn't accurate. The reason Yoda couldn't beat Sidious was because Sidious was a Master at disguising himself from other force users. Yoda couldn't beat him because he couldn't even read his attack moves. Yoda has been in far more dire situations than fighting Sidious, but he could still read the force in those battles. His loss to Sidious all had to do with the force. It's the same reason Darth Plagueis Died to Sidious. he didn't see it coming. it's also why the Jedi council didn't even know Emperor Palpatine was the Dark Lord until it was too late. Sidious was so good at his craft that he convinced one of the strongest force users in history to join the darkside. That, is why Yoda lost. That is also why Yoda hid on the planet Dagobah, because he realized that the only way he would be able to Hide is if he surrounded himself by the darkside of the force. Dagobah was once the site of a battle between a powerful Sith Lord. when the Sith died it shrouded the planet in dark energy. But, that's not part of the Disney Cannon, so I guess you can take that with a grain of salt.
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3 months ago
We saw Obi Wan stumble when he felt the destruction of Alderaan, I can't imagine the emotional and physical hit Yoda took when he felt hundreds of Jedi, including younglings, dying.
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