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Views : 341
Genre: Nonprofits & Activism
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Sep 7, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
This is INCORRECT. The Torah pre-dates Moses. "Because Abraham obeyed My voice and kept My charge, My commandments, My statutes, and My Torah'ot (Law). Genesis 26:5
Moses received the tablets of stone at Sinai in Exodus 20.
Yet in Exodus 18:16-20 We see that the Torah is being discussed between Moses and Jethro.
The Torah has ALWAYS existed... this is why Abraham kept the Torah - Genesis 26:5
Abba יהוה (Father Yahweh) taught Avraham His Torah.
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I agree but it was able who brought his first fruits to God. And noah also knew a clean animal from and unclean as they were assigned to the ark. The law was not established on sinai it was re-established and given to the israelites who lost touch with their patriarchs over a 400 year period in a foreign land.
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3 months ago
The Lord delights in a cheerful giver. Give what you can when you can.