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Views : 11,261
Genre: Entertainment
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At May 5, 2024 ^^
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Rating : 4.975 (2/322 LTDR)
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User score: 99.07- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2024-05-06T05:08:35.258329Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
BEEN SAYING THIS. The thing with Rey recently is that whenever a new (returning) friend comes along, he neglects his existing squad and lets the new guy shine with Rey whenever sh*t goes down. Santos had to take a back seat when Carlito returned, Carlito had to take a backseat when dragon lee came in, Dragon lee and Carlito had to take a back seat when Andrade came back. Hell even Dom had to take a back seat when Rey chose to tag with Edge instead😂😂😂😂 watch him kick Andrade to the curb when Cesaro or someone comes
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He prooved he's a deadbeat father figure. He was never there for any of Dom's important moments and Eddie's his real father anyways. What kinda sicko takes a kid away from their real parent. And for Santos, he was meant to drop the title to Santos but no he lost it to Logan Paul. Rey shit the bed. And Carlito has been Rey's friend for years and years and years and Dragon Lee hasn't been so in the end Rey betrayed Carlito's friendship.
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6 months ago
"A man who wears a mask is either really ugly or he's the Batman!" I think Santino Marella was telling us all along how Rey is living long enough to become the villain
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