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2,638 Views • Nov 25, 2023 • Click to toggle off description
#boston #atlas #ai
Atlas is the most agile humanoid robot in existence, able to walk, run, climb, and even do backflips. It is powered by electricity and hydraulics, giving it a powerful and efficient combination of strength and agility.

Atlas robot can navigate complex terrain, including jumping over obstacles, climbing stairs, and traversing uneven surfaces, making it an ideal candidate for search and rescue missions.

Atlas robot can grasp, carry, and manipulate various objects, including tools and equipment, enabling it to perform a wide range of tasks.

Atlas robot can be remotely controlled by human operators, allowing for precise and delicate tasks. Atlas can work alongside humans, performing tasks in tandem and adapting to dynamic environments.

#robotics #robot #airobots
#artificialintelligence #video
#viral #humanoides #foryou
#usa #fyp #scienceonline

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Metadata And Engagement

Views : 2,638
Genre: Science & Technology
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Nov 25, 2023 ^^

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1 year ago

awesome video



1 year ago


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1 year ago

11 kg and the awesome back flip! 80 kg with 28 hydrolic joins 😍😍

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