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Uploaded At Aug 23, 2023 ^^
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A woman shouldn't expect to have everything given to her for free. I think today, just like years ago, a sharing of work and expenses, is fair. Some people aren't generous. There are way too many selfish people, women and men alike, in our society today. I always cook for someone I date or am in a relationship with. Last bf, I cooked his dinner every night, and I don't mean fast food or pizza. I would put his plate on a tray and carry it to him in the living room. He always loved what he called my $25 dinner salad. (A couple of hours of cutting and slicing.) And I bought most of the groceries and household supplies. He couldn't take me out for my birthday without being so obnoxious in public, I cried. Then he tried to make it up to me, but why treat me like that at all? And I don't keep score, but I will notice if I'm not being treated fairly. When I left, he called me multiple times a day for a while. I asked "what happened to 'shut the fv@k up'?" Men make more money than women do, so a woman might not be able to share equally. Years ago I lived with a man who worked on a tugboat. He made big checks every week, 4 or 5 times what I made. He paid the rent and all the utility bills and had his personal spending cash, and still had money to put in savings at the end of the week. I made $200 a week working 40 hours as a film delivery driver. I spent every dime on us and our home. I paid for all the food (did all the cooking and cleaning,) and a large portion of the alcohol as I went to MD on a route where liquor stores charged less than in VA. He bought his own beer. I kept up my car and paid for the gas so he had free transportation everywhere he needed to go. I think I was more than fair. I was his chauffeur. LOL you guys expect women to give up their bodies to you if you pay for her dinner. If you really believe that, do you realize how disrespectfully you are thinking about this woman? Now you're going to get on women for expecting to be treated to dinner on a first date. Women should be able to start assessing your value as a future husband and father. If she makes a mistake, she could find herself raising kids alone. That's a scary life for all us second class citizens. Lets go down the timeline. If you want to marry and have children, don't you expect the woman to carry your child for 9 months and go through suffering that can be deadly. It also changes your body permanently. All you had to do was cum! Aren't you going to honor her as the mother of your children? Do you think other people will respect her if you don't value her? I can tell you, they won't. And, if she judges you wrong here, she could end up raising her kids alone. And remember, she probably doesn't make the money you do. You want her to hold you up in the place of honor you are supposed to fill as the man of the house. Casual dates are one thing. But men, women shouldn't have to fight for your respect just because they want to be treated decently and equally. If you want a good family life, you need to learn to respect her, if you want to be respected by her and other people. Do you respect your mother? She's going to be a mother too, the mother of your children and your family bloodline. How much do you want her? And if you don't honor and treat her loveingly, do you think she's going to want to stay down there and do that magic on you!💋😝💋😘🔜💋😛💋🤭🔜💋😂💋🥰🔜💋😜💋🤭🔜💋😳🫨💦💦😁🤭 It all a matter of give and take. When I hear that women don't want to make love, I have a strong suspicion that her man might not be behaving lovingly in bed. I knew a woman who was married to a mechanic who never washed his hands or his body. He looked oily and dirty and his head was lost is a big shock of frizzy, dirty hair, beard and mustache. His neck was covered in unshaved beard. He complained that his wife didn't want him and he put me in a very uncomfortable position once, by walking into a dark kitchen where I was standing at the sink and getting very close to me just as his wife walked back in the door from a store run. I could tell she was upset but I told her I absolutely wasn't interested in her husband. I couldn't tell her how disgusting he was to me without insulting her. She got over it but she had told me one time that she loved him and wanted to be with him but he was so dirty, he turned her off. So alway
You know back in the day it was traditional for the male to pay for the females dinner on the date. But that all started in an era where women didn't work and The guy had to show that he was capable of taking care of a woman should he decide to marry her so by him paying for things he gave her family kind of an idea as what he was capable of and how responsible he was. I do like the traditional values but in today's society I think it's better to go Dutch because you don't want to be obligated to anything if it doesn't work out and you don't want to feel raw about something if you felt like you forked out a lot that didn't get anything back.
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It is tradition that men pay for the date when they go on a first date, unless some other agreement is made beforehand. This shows her he can provide and, allows them to get to know each other. She should recipricate once they start dating. Many birds and animals have somewhat similar mating behaviors.
Gender equality and chivalry are NOT opposites. Equality simply put is when I do equal work then give me equal pay. It means give me equal opportunity to succeed, equal opportunity to be heard and so on. If you ask a woman on a date then you pay. It’s called romance. These man are just hostile and argumentative toward these women.
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1 year ago
These (women) are going to be making someone Big Macs and quarter pounders 😂
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