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Uploaded At Jul 6, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
AC tanking is required in BG1. That's the only thing I would add to what Dav is saying. It's not just that Fighters are ok to tank in BG1 EE, but you really don't have any other character in that game who can tank. Mage protections at character levels 1-5 or so (the hardest part of BG1 EE) are not strong enough to keep them alive in focused fire. The only character who can stay alive with an enemy team focused on them in BG1 EE is a martial class with -4 or better AC and solid hp. Mirror Image is not going to keep a level 2, 3 or 4 Mage alive in BG1. Until Stoneskin unlocks, magetanking is not viable and that means Fighters and other martial classes are your only options. The latter portions of BG1 EE can be magetanked, but you won't have that many casts of Stoneskin or that many skins. Besides which, the game gets easier as you play and your party's power level grows, so your Fighter hp tank is going to have more hp and increasingly be improving their AC and saves to become an even better tank.
BG2 is where mage tanking really becomes the meta. Prior to that, AC and HP tanking is the best strategy.
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The best tank is not reducing damage, but ignoring it :)
Late SoA and ToB damage/thaco from enemies becomes so high that AC does not make sense/ Arcane/divine AC and stats boosters-immunities +protection from dispel allows to ignore damage completely so works much much better that damage reduction.
Disadvantage - casters need to sleep. For some reason most of the players prefer to sleep as less as possible, to use all (or at least most of memorized slots before going to bed.) Fighters are fine with regeneration HP without sleeping :).
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6 months ago
It has to be said that the HLA talk only applies to modded installations. But the point still stands in vanilla, pure fighters are streets behind mages, mage/fighters and bards when it comes to surviving damage
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