Light exercises post bariatric surgery help:
👉🏻Improve cardiovascular health and boost stamina.
👉🏻Maintain a healthy weight and prevent weight regain.
👉🏻Increase muscle strength and tone.
👉🏻Enhance mood and energy levels.
👉🏻Improve flexibility and range of motion.
👉🏻Reduce the risk of certain health complications.
Watch our patient demonstrate the exercises. Learn and adapt them in your daily life for better flexibility and pain-free movement.
For Consultation with Dr. Sukhvinder Singh Saggu,
Call or Whatsapp: 9871056324
Address: COMS Clinic, 37/3, East Patel Nagar, New Delhi-110008
About Dr. Sukhvinder Singh Saggu:
Dr. Sukhvinder Singh Saggu is the director of GI, Minimal Access, and Bariatric Surgery at CK Birla Hospital and at COMS Clinic, East Patel Nagar and has more than 25 years of experience. Dr. Saggu has been praised for his ability to “maintain the highest standard of professionalism, care, and integrity” with each of his patients. He has performed over 2000+ bariatric procedures and 40,000+ other laparoscopic procedures on patients from all across the globe. He was part of the reputed A Z Sint Jan Hospital, Bruges, Belgium where he undertook a Diploma in Advanced Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery. He is also a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons, Chicago, and the International College of Surgeons, Chicago. His previous associations include working with Apollo Spectra Hospital (Delhi), Fortis Healthcare (Delhi), Primus Hospital (Delhi), and A Z Sint Jan Hospital (Belgium).
Services provided:
Advanced Laparoscopic GI Surgery
Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery
Minimal Access to GI Surgery
Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)
Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery
Laparoscopic Hernia repair
Stapled Haemorrhoidectomy
Laser Anorectal Surgeries
Piles surgery
Fissure surgery
Fistula surgery
Gallstones treatment
Laparoscopic Splenectomy
Gastric Mini Bypass surgery
Gastric Bypass Surgery
Gastric Banding Surgery
Laparoscopic Duodenojejunal Bypass with sleeve
Gastric Sleeve Surgery
Laparoscopic biliopancreatic diversion
Laparoscopic Ileal Interposition
Pilonidal cyst
Varicose veins
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