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Views : 18,511
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Sep 25, 2024 ^^
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RYD date created : 2024-09-29T01:33:10.595888Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Good short video… I too am selling all of my things and moving to the Philippines. I have been there last year with my fiancé and I did not want to leave. I encourage anyone considering to go down there and see if you like it if it fits, you save up your money make sure you got some income coming in And go for it…
It would be best not to sell everything. If you do not have a means of living here in the Philippines or you do not have a pension to sustain you, you will run out of money no matter how big it is now. What is sad is that you are old at that time and no means of livelihood, and no one wants to be associated with you because you have become a burden to them already. Just do your research in the YT real stories about expat. So, better secure first your financial planning. There are a lot of scammers here if you have money. Do not be lured easily by promises. They can just be good for as long as you are still beneficial to them. So, do not sell everything. But I am.nit saying it is all bad. Many are still good. Just choose very well.
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And the system of slow and long lines to process things. Not to mention the problems with trash, floods, overcrowding in certain places. The humidity is terrible. Those are the few setbacks but there are also good sides of it though most specially your dollars can strech far more than when you spend it in the US.
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2 weeks ago
Hope this bro selling all of him in America just came to pH hope he can manage his money better❤❤
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