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Views : 956
Genre: Gaming
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Dec 7, 2022 ^^
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RYD date created : 2022-12-07T15:17:57.526869Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Mercy can literally resurrect someone, who died, kiriko can't do that.
Zenyatta, Moira, Ana, Brigitte,Baptiste, and a damn Mercy with its ult, has better dps then kiriko does, even with kiriko headshot dmg bonus, she is still bad dps, cuz I haven't saw any kiriko main, or player, who has landed more then 1 headshot for a whole match, her invincibility grenade is most time useless, even Baptists Immortality field is more useful.
Kiriko ult is most time useless, unless you have at least someone in your team, who knows how to aim, it's always better to use Baptiste ult, or zenyatta ult, or even Lucio ult, cuz if u want to cancel these ult it's impossible, or u need to wipe whole team,while to cancel kiriko ult, just place a damn Mei wall.
Kiriko is not the best support, it's good for certain situations, but she is being still far from Lucio and moira
2 years ago
We know
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