172 Views • Jan 10, 2025 • Click to toggle off description
On Christmas Day 2022, New Jersey woman Marylue Wigglesworth shot and killed her husband, 57-year-old David, at the home they shared in May Landing. Marylue, who was in her early 50s at the time, was arrested and she readily admitted to pulling the trigger. She maintained, however, that she’d acted in self-defence while “fearing for her life”. Marylue told the police that her husband had assaulted her on the night in question, following a heated argument. David allegedly threatened her with a handgun that he kept in the bedroom. Immediately after being threatened, Marylue grabbed the pistol and shot him dead. Officers who attended the scene were reported to have documented bruising throughout the woman’s body, but that information was allegedly not shared with Marylue’s defence. She was charged with first-degree murder with prosecutors arguing that she’d shot her husband in cold blood while he was lying naked in bed and with the TV on. Due to the severity of the allegations, Marylue was twice denied bail during the legal proceedings that followed and ended up spending nearly one year and eight months behind bars, while her case was ongoing. Processing photos showed a dramatic change in her appearance following her time in custody, with later photos showing her gaunt and bearing a sullen expression. As evidence emerged confirming that there had been an altercation in the home, Marylue was offered a plea deal for second-degree manslaughter. She didn’t want to risk going to trial on the murder charge and took the deal. In the summer of 2024, she was handed a 6-year sentence.
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Genre: Entertainment
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jan 10, 2025 ^^
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RYD date created : 2025-01-10T17:15:41.369614Z
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