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8,647 Views ā€¢ Aug 13, 2023 ā€¢ Click to toggle off description
The fast and the furious - table tennis #forehandwinner

A player who manages to be close to the table while the point is being played and hits the ball while climbing gains an advantage because she "steals" time for the opponent to react. After a few exchanges, the opponent simply won't have time to set up for a point and will lose it.

In order to play in this way, it is necessary to have the correct technique and to play aggressively on every ball. In this point, you can see how Nikolina attacks all the balls from the very beginning of the point and in the end that pressure brings space for an easy forehand winner through the forehand diagonal.

Igračica koja uspe da bude blizu stola dok se igra poen i koja pogađa loptu u penjanju ostvaruje prednost jer "krade" vreme za reakciju protivnice. Protivnica posle nekoliko razmena jednostavno neće stići da se namesti za poen i tako će ga izgubiti.

Da bi se igralo na ovakav način potrebno je da se poseduje ispravna tehnika i da se igra agresivno na svaku loptu. U ovom poenu se vidi kako Nikolina napada sve lopte od samog početka poena i na kraju taj pritisak donosi prostor za lak forehand viner kroz forehand dijagonalu.
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Views : 8,647
Genre: Sports
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Aug 13, 2023 ^^

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