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Views : 30,120
Genre: Autos & Vehicles
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Feb 13, 2024 ^^
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Rating : 4.913 (25/1,124 LTDR)
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RYD date created : 2024-03-09T23:30:16.093015Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
I've seen people complain about RWD or AWD that this vehicle doesn't have. They are trying to keep the vehicle somewhat affordable and trying to reach same target costumer and not jump into whole another territory. If Kia added AWD to K5GT, it would have cost now over $40K because awd isn't cheap and most if not all car manufacturers charge extra for AWD. And if it's over $40K then not only normal folks wouldn't be able to afford it, those who would be able to afford it wouldn't even look at kia at that price point, they'd look at something else, something more luxurious I suppose. Kia Stinger was a great example of that. Most people saw Kia Stinger price tag and laughed and preferred getting something with prestigious badge even tho it offered less what Stinger offered. So stop complaining and be thankful that kia/Hyundai still gives us 290 hp at decent price point while the rest of competition downsizing and becoming boring hybrids. What you should go complain about, is Type R and Type S that they aren't rwd or awd because they offer what 10hp more than K5gt/sonata nline but cost $10-15K more
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9 months ago
A K5 wagon would be sick!
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