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Views : 5,241
Genre: Howto & Style
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Apr 5, 2024 ^^
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RYD date created : 2024-04-10T06:43:15.684327Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
I'm up in Maine and I felt it. It shook the water in my cooler. Been feeling subtle tremors for a solid month up here but they're not showing up on the tracking systems. My sister in CT said her office building shook in Meriden.
Just want to add that you can feel effects in different ways. Even the most subtle earthquake can cause nausea, ear ringing and throw off your equilibrium.
19 |
We had an earthquake here in Magna, Utah in 2020. It was a 5.7 magnitude quake followed by lots of aftershocks. A 5.7 quake is 10 times stronger than a 4.7 quake.
Expect aftershocks for the next couple months - at least. They probably won't be as strong but could be felt. Also, expect "phantom quakes" which are sensations like feeling a quake, but it's not. It's just your body reacting to the quake. It can be upsetting, but it will go away eventually. I recommend having like a clear pitcher filled with water that you can look at and see if it's an actual quake.
I love earthquakes. They are fascinating and I get a bit of a kick from them.
8 months ago
Thank the good Lord that you are OK. Please stay safe!
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