Pluriverse and Regeneration

5 videos • 21 views • by THE PLURIVERSE The videos here explore and discuss topics related to the paradigms shifts in evidence today. As the world stands on the brink of a polycrisis, it is important to understand how the old hegemonic narrative of endless economic growth has failed us. This is a Eurocentric, hegemonic narrative imposed on the rest of the planet as an imeprial-colonial project of dominance. This has been carried forward through globalization and neocolonialism under the facades of development and growth. However, the escalating planetary crisis, fragmentation and polarization of societies, and geopolitical upheaval stand testimony to the failure of this narrative in an entangled, inter-related world. The pandemic was a point of discontinuity which also showed us the fragility and temporality of global supply chains, the failures of big Tech and big Data to make any meaningful contributions in times of crises. This channel is, therefore, an attempt to unravel the various props and mechanisms that hold up the current order. It is also an exploration into alternative narratives and possible futures arising from life-affirming choices.