LDF-2020, DAY-03 (Sept., 28-30, 2020)

12 videos • 107 views • by BOTANY 4U Invited Speech By: (1) Prasad Phapale, PhD, The European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) Metabolomics Core Facility, Heidelberg Germany, on "Lipidomics workflows, data analysis and spectral libraries"; Invited Talk By: (2) Avinash Kale, PhD; University of Mumbai, Department of Atomic Energy, Center for Excellence in Basic Sciences, Mumbai, INDIA; on "Combating culex mosquito larvae with curd making bacteria"; (3) Fatema Bhinderwala, PhD, University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine, Pittsburgh PA USA, on "Systems biology and chemometrics to explain cellular chemistry"; (4) Jaydeep Kolape, MS; Advanced Microscopy and Imaging Center University of Tennessee, Knoxville TN USA, on "Science through the lens"; (5) Mahendra P Raut, PhD, Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Sheffield, UK, on "Application of proteomics approach in synthetic biology", with introtduction of all guest speakers; Closing Remarks by: Dr. Deepak Koche, Founder Member, BOTANY 4U & Professor, Department of Botany, Shri. Shivaji College of Arts, Commerce and Science, Akola (MS), India & Valedictory Speech by: Dr. Pitambar Humane, Founder, BOTANY 4U, Associate Professor & Head, Department of Botany, Dharampeth M. P. Deo Memorial Science College, Nagpur (MS), India