Resident Evil 4 Remake - BOLT THROWER ONLY - Professional Gameplay

29 videos • 192 views • by Point K12 Gaming After playing through the entire game countless times, I was left with just one challenge: a Bolt Thrower Only Run. In this video series, you’ll see some highlights of that run. The Bolt Thrower might be the least popular weapon in the game, but in reality, it’s phenomenal. However, it demands a lot of patience and practice. Once you get the hang of it, you’ll be rewarded with very entertaining and satisfying gameplay. Because of its quirks, you have to rethink your approach at many points in the game, which leads to completely new strategies and tactics. This experience can also benefit you in future playthroughs when using regular weapons. Give it a try yourself! #residentevil4remake #re4remake #re4 #residentevil #biohazard #biohazard4 #biohazard4remake #survivalgame #survivalhorrorgaming #survival #pcgaming #gaming #gamingvideos #gamingcommunity