Resident Evil 4 Remake - Double Garrador Boss Fight
25 videos • 27 views • by Point K12 Gaming Hey everyone! In this special series, I’m diving into one of the tougher challenges in Resident Evil 4 Remake: beating the terrifying Double Garrador boss fight. This isn't just any playthrough—I'm taking on both Garradors with every single weapon in the game, even attempting intense Bolt Thrower Only and Knife Only runs. Achieving victory with just these weapons was no easy feat, and I’m thrilled to share these hard-fought wins with you all! Here’s a quick guide to the weapons arsenal: 9mm Pistols (SG-09R, Punisher, Blacktail, Red 9, Sentinel 9, Matilda): These handguns offer solid accuracy and fast firing, great for quick, calculated shots. While they don’t have the stopping power of bigger weapons, their versatility allows you to maintain mobility and make strategic strikes to avoid detection. Magnum Pistol (Killer 7): Known for its incredible stopping power, the Killer 7 is one of the best for dealing devastating damage. However, its loud shots will immediately alert the Garradors, making it ideal for fast, high-damage takedowns when you’re ready to handle the full aggression of both enemies. Magnum Revolvers (Broken Butterfly, Handcannon): These heavy hitters pack a massive punch, useful for dealing major damage in a few shots. Their high damage can make quick work of the Garradors’ exposed Plaga parasite but comes at the cost of heavy recoil and loud noise. Shotguns (Riot Gun, W-870, Striker, Skull Shaker): Shotguns are perfect for close-quarters combat, dealing large area damage. However, their noise will quickly draw attention, so using them requires quick reflexes and precise aim to finish off the Garradors as fast as possible. Rifles (Stingray, SR M-1903, CQBR AR): With excellent range and accuracy, rifles allow precise targeting of the Garradors’ Plaga parasites. These weapons are especially effective when combined with the Biosensor Scope, but their noise means you need to be prepared for immediate aggression. Submachine Guns (TMP, LE5): These rapid-fire weapons are great for those who prefer speed and mobility. While their individual shots are less powerful, their high rate of fire can quickly chip away at a Garrador’s health, but you’ll need to be nimble and keep moving to avoid being overwhelmed. Bolt Thrower: This unique weapon is ideal for players who want to maintain stealth, as it’s the only weapon that allows silent takedowns. Firing bolts doesn’t alert the Garradors, allowing you to get closer for strategic strikes without triggering their full assault. For fans of stealth, I have an entire series dedicated to using the Bolt Thrower for this very encounter! Rocket Launcher: A powerful, one-shot solution to end the battle instantly. However, it’s costly and lacks the thrill of facing the Garradors head-on with skill and strategy. For those seeking a true test, you might want to save the Rocket Launcher for last! The Double Garrador fight requires both skill and strategy with each weapon. Once you fire a few shots, the real chaos begins as the Garradors, initially chained and immobile, break free, and the pace of the fight accelerates. To survive, you need to stay sharp and steady, avoiding panic while keeping a close eye on your surroundings. The Garradors react violently to gunfire, and once they’re loose, they use their sharp claws to attack anything that makes a sound. So make sure to hit the parasites on the Garradors' backs fast! I hope you enjoy every intense, heart-pounding moment as I tackle this boss fight. Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe if you want to see more gameplay and crazy challenges. Let me know in the comments if you’ve tried facing the Garradors yourself, and what tactics worked for you! Thank you so much for watching this series! #residentevil4remake #re4remake #re4 #residentevil #biohazard #biohazard4 #biohazard4remake #separateways #leonkennedy #leon #survivalgame #survivalhorrorgaming #survival #pcgaming #gaming #gamingvideos #gamingcommunity #garrador #doublegarrador #garradors