Terbinari CBM conversations

8 videos • 600 views • by TAI Lab Following video session represents interaction with Terbinari operating program artificial conversational entity training and dialogue model I/O QA system semantic processing algorithms with chat-bot interface and prototype humanoid robot CBM1 (Control Bot Mechanism) device. Operating program interface interacts with training and conversation system response output personified in artificial entity endowed with individual memory slot, represents dialog processing models in text-to-text, text-to-voice or voice-to-voice modes and robot control methods, which mechanical recall provides tracking orientation and eye contact with user/interlocutor, as well as mouth device synchronization with speech motility events. APPLICATION SOFTWARE AND ROBOT DEVICE Terbinari operating program represents interactive training and conversation model, natural language processing semantic analysis/matching logic algorithms and controller operating methods. Artificial conversational entity performs input/output question-answering, learning, spoken dialog system with multi-function chat-bot interface and anthropomorphic humanoid robot Control Bot Mechanism animatronics operator. Cervical motility device implements mouth speech events motion and eyes/head tracking contact and response under facial detection/recognition process of computer vision. Bot operates individual unique memory content updated by Interlocutor input in frames of the system legal code. Answer defines output for dialogue as a tool of reflective analysis by returning efferent recall from human-like machine cognitive function. Embodies autonomous companion simulator as trainable virtual teach assistant and agent of compensatory intercourse for various interactive communication tasks. _________________________________________________ Toy Artificial Intelligence Research, innovation and technology development Intelligent systems and robotics laboratory http://terbinari.tech/ Copyright (c) 2016-2020 TAI Lab. All rights reserved