Weight Loss Mentoring - The Weight Loss King

53 videos • 66 views • by Silvestro Musumeci There is no magic pill when it comes to permanent weight loss, but there is You, and that is where the real magic begins! I’ve created a planner for you to make it easy to lose weight for the very last time. Encouragement, Accountability and Delicious mouth-watering recipes. Download the Ultimate Weight Loss Planner for you to confidently transform and live your very best life. https//www.theultimateweightlossking.com.au Being a Transformational Weight Loss Mentor, passion, and commitment is important as there will be bumps in the road. There will be setbacks. Then will back be self-doubt. There will be questions. It has been said that a bend in the road is not the end of the road. Often what seems to be a stumbling block could actually be a stepping stone, if you’re willing to learn from it and grow from it. Yes, there will be slight detours and diversions along the way and should not deter you from your vision, mission and most importantly, your commitment to succeed in living your best life. Changing your habits and routine will take you a long way to achieving your immediate weight loss goal. Still, the real secret to your results and keeping the weight off forever is by changing your mindset and clearing out all the old thoughts and patterns that keep you stuck, demotivated, frustrated and reverting to old habits and poor choices. What really is the underlying cause of your weight problem? Is it low self-esteem, because you put others first and don't have time to take care of yourself, have you always been overweight, do you feel unlovable, do you look in the mirror and not like what you see, is it too hard to lose weight, do you hate exercise, lack the discipline, are too lazy to cook, are you too busy? Whatever it is that's holding you back - my zoom mentoring sessions will help you see what it is, unravel it and clear it for good... this method goes way beyond the surface, AND you'll have the tools and techniques that you can apply to all areas of your life, not just weight loss.