Scott Irwin

32 videos • 7 views • by farmdoc University of Illinois Scott Irwin, Professor; Laurence J. Norton Chair of Agricultural Marketing videos. Dr. Irwin helps farmers in Illinois, the United States, and throughout the world make more informed production, marketing, and financial decisions by evaluating the economic factors that affect corn and soybean prices. He also leads farmdoc, a pathbreaking Extension project that provides timely, useful, and relevant online information about Corn Belt farm economics. Dr. Scott H. Irwin is a global leader in the field of agricultural economics. His research on commodity markets is widely cited by other academic researchers and is in high demand among farmers, market analysts, traders, and policymakers. He is regularly interviewed by leading media outlets such as the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Washington Post, Financial Times, Bloomberg, National Public Radio, Farm Journal, and Successful Farming. In addition to publishing hundreds of scholarly articles, Irwin has written articles and op-eds for the New York Times, Washington Times, and Time magazine. He is the most-widely followed agricultural economist in the world on social media, with over 25,000 followers on Twitter. Irwin is best known for his work on commodity market speculation and biofuels markets. He has been an active participant in the world-wide debate about the impact of financial index investment in commodity markets, popularly known as financialization. Irwin has published numerous academic articles on the subject and has been called upon to provide testimony before the U.S. Congress, the OECD, and the CFTC. He is also one of the foremost experts on biofuels markets and policy, writing and speaking frequently on the economics of ethanol and biodiesel, the Renewable Fuel Standard, and the RIN market. Irwin is also a well-known innovator in the development of agricultural extension programs that have helped hundreds of thousands of farmers in Illinois, the U.S. and throughout the world make more informed production, marketing, and financial decisions. His leadership and vision have been the driving force behind the award-winning farmdoc project at the University of Illinois since its inception in 1999. Irwin is a member of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA) and was named a Fellow in 2013, the highest honor bestowed by the Association. He has also received the Distinguished Group Extension Program Award (four times), the Quality of Research Discovery Award (twice), the Quality of Communication Award, and the Bruce Gardner Memorial Prize for Applied Policy Analysis, all from the AAEA.