Monteverdi's Vespers Selections from Venice | Green Mountain Project | TENET Vocal Artists

9 videos • 2,496 views • by TENET Vocal Artists TENET Vocal Artists traveled to Venice in early 2020 to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of their Green Mountain Project. They performed Monteverdi's Vespers on January 8, 2020 at Santi Giovanni e Paolo. Please enjoy these selections from that performance. Support TENET Vocal Artists here: Vespers of 1610 | Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643) GREEN MOUNTAIN PROJECT Jolle Greenleaf, artistic director Jeffrey Grossman, music director Jolle Greenleaf, Molly Quinn, sopranos Virginia Warnken Kelsey and Clara Osowski, altos Jason McStoots, James Reese, Aaron Sheehan, and Sumner Thompson, tenors Mischa Bouvier and Steven Hrycelak, basses Julie Adrijeski and Dongmyung Ahn, violins Daniel Elyar and Jessica Troy, violas Ezra Seltzer, cello Anne Trout, violone Hank Heijink and Charles Weaver, theorbos Jeffrey Grossman, organ DARK HORSE CONSORT Kiri Tollaksen and Alexandra Opsahl, cornetts Greg Ingles, Liza Malamut, Mack Ramsey, and Erik Schmalz, sackbuts Philip H. Davis, audio Evan Chapman and Kevin Eikenberg of Four/Ten Media, video