Why Christianity?

15 videos • 221 views • by Restitutio Can you explain why Christianity makes sense? In a culture where Christianity is falling more and more out of fashion, it’s increasingly important to have confidence in your faith. This FREE 16 week class will take you through a number of key topics to cover why Christianity is both rational and practical. We’ll cover typical apologetics topics like how we know God exists, the Bible is true, and the resurrection happened, but we will also delve into some “heart reasons” why Christianity is so appealing, including getting through suffering, identity, inclusiveness, and community. Additionally, we’ll explain the overarching metanarrative of scripture (creation, fall, redemption, and restoration) to provide you with a handy way of explaining the big picture. The end result is a well-rounded class that will equip you with what you need to strengthen your own faith as well as confidently share it with others.