Chittagong Tour-চট্টগ্রাম ভ্রমণ-চট্টগ্রাম ভ্রমণের সবকিছু
4 videos • 16 views • by Shahed The Next Chattogram is the port city and the second-largest city in Bangladesh. This city is bestowed with the majestic beauty of the sea and hills where you can enjoy the beauty of nature. Numerous tourists attractions make Chittagong a great place to explore with friends and family. Are you looking forward to making a Chittagong tour? Please watch this playlist videos, in which you will get the proper guidance about places to visit in Chittagong. chittagong tourist spot, chittagong tour place, chittagong tourist place, chittagong tour guide, chittagong tour in one day, mohamaya lake, sitakunda guliakhali beach, sohosrodhara waterfall, sitakunda tour by train, sitakunda jhorna, napittachora waterfall, khoiyachora waterfall, khoiyachara waterfall, খৈয়াছড়া ঝর্ণা চট্টগ্রাম, shita kondu pahar, shita kondu tour, shita kondu eco park, patenga sea beach, পতেঙ্গা সমুদ্র সৈকত, patenga sea beach tour, bongobondhu tunnel, chattogram bongobondhu tunnel, chandranath hill, Foys lake, Bashbaria sea beach, Batali hill, Parki beach, belgaon tea state, jamboree park, bhatiari lake,