Sadhana Rahasyalu - Anubhavalu
10 videos • 2,068 views • by Kavyakantha Ganapati Muni #gurudeva #Avadhuta #kavyakantha #ganapatimuni #phanimadhav In my spiritual journey, the quest, several masters guided me but the ultimate master to whom 'I' belongs is Sri.Avadhuta Polayya. In my case, though I was blessed early in my journey to find a Gurudev, I experienced that my final step in Tapasya will only be accomplished if I find and surrender my true master 'Nija Guru' and I was finally destined to meet my true master, Sri.Avadhuta Polayya. All that Sri Ganapati Muni would have told to guide me was spoken in the language of 'Silence' by Sri. Avadhuta polayya. It is my belief beyond doubt that "Nayana and Polayya" are one and the same. For me, the sum total essence of all the masters in my life is Avadhuta Polayya, whose grace lead to direct experience. There is absolutely no difference in masters only their mortal frames and names change but it is one supreme awareness experienced beyond comprehension, is GURU. All the Master's are One! Jai Gurudev,🙏 #sadhana #spiritualdiscourses #spiritualtalks #spiritualcoaching #spirituality #bhagavanramanamaharshi #AvadhutaPolayya